
Cameroon Journal of Biological and Biochemical Sciences (CJBBS)

Editor-in-Chief: Prof Julius Oben

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Dr Joseph Hubert Galani Yamdeu

Senior Editor, Agriculture, Environment & Biodiversity: Dr Néhémie Donfagsiteli Tchinda

Senior Editor, Medical and Allied Sciences: Dr Vincent Brice Owona Ayissi

Senior Editor, Life Sciences: Dr Pharaon Auguste Mbianda 

Publisher: Cameroon Biosciences Society (CBS)

One volume published yearly

Articles published first-online immediately after acceptance

Free format submission

Open Access Journal

ISSN : 1011-6451

Email: cjbbs.authors@gmail.com

Aim and scope

Cameroon Journal of Biological and Biochemical Sciences is an international peer-reviewed journal published by the Cameroon Biosciences Society (CBS). All articles are subjected to rigorous peer-review, editorial and production procedures. Articles in French are also welcome for submission. The journal is committed to the publication of high-quality original research papers, short communications, reviews, and letters across various aspects of biological sciences, including, but not limited to:

Life Sciences

Animal Biology. Developmental Biology. Applied Biological Science. Biochemistry. Biological and Ecological Modelling. Biotechnology. Biophysics. Cell Biology. Computational Biology. Microbiology. Molecular Biology and Genetics. Physiology. Population Biology. Systems Biology. Interdisciplinary Research.

Agriculture, Environment & Biodiversity

Agricultural Science. Food Science and Nutrition. Ecology. Environmental Science. Biodiversity and Conservation. Plant science including Phytochemistry and Medicinal Plants. Plant Biology. Animal Science including Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science. Sustainability Science. Interdisciplinary Research.

Medical and Allied Sciences

Medical and Biomedical Science. Public Health. Pharmacological Science. Toxicology. Immunology and Inflammation. Neuroscience. Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Evolution and Disease. Interdisciplinary Research.


Manuscripts that span across many disciplines are encouraged.


Animal Scientists, Plant Scientists, Biochemists, Ecologists, Plant Chemists, Microbiologists, Medical and Biomedical Scientists, Pharmacologists, Environmentalists, Agri-food scientists.  

Benefits to authors

  • Freestyle format initial manuscript submission
  • No submission fee
  • Immediate online publication after acceptance
  • Open access publications
  • Indexed in CrossRef, Google Scholar, DOI, …
  • High-quality and rapid review process
  • Optional language editing services
  • Free publication of colored materials
  • Open to francophone authors who can submit in French

Open Access Publication

This journal offers gold open-access publications, meaning that published articles are immediately available and freely accessible online for everyone. The publication charge is USD 105 (F CFA 65 000), payable after acceptance of the manuscript. Discounts on publication fees can be granted to early career researchers upon request, at the discretion of the Editorial Board. 

This open-access journal is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License which permits Share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and Adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) under the Attribution-Non Commercial terms.